How Journaling can free your Mind (and Heart)


Did you keep a diary when you were young? 

Did it have a little bronze lock on it? 

Did it hold all your innermost feelings?

As an adult, are you still are keeping a record of your personal feelings and thoughts?
Then you’ve probity moved from that little clasped diary to a journal.

Theses days, a journal that can range from a lined grade-school copybook, a pre-printed decorative writing journal (with or without lock), to an art journal, or the systematize  Bullet Journal

A journal doesn't need to be a literal place for words only: there are travelogues, nature journals, and visual journals.  

Often visual journals are a combo of writing paint and collage. And if inspiration is needed, all you need to is search the web to find an infinite number journaling ideas and suggestions) to inspire you and poke at what is niggling in the shadows of your consciousness.

Soulscape journaling

As a reflective womxn, you know how important it is to take some time for yourself: to reflect and give some voice to all you’re thinking, feeling, and dreaming.

  • Art Journaling (emphasis on art).

  • Bullet Journaling (emphasis on organizing your ideas).

  • Soulscape Journaling (emphasis on creative healing )

I'm am not a word journaling kind of gal, and most journals that I’ve bought are blank after the first few pages. Still, I've found that that expressing myself with color and shape allows me to bypass my inner critic and navigate my uncharted limiting stories.

I wanted to share with you another way to journal, called Soulscape. Soulscape is a synthesis of creative arts and healing arts that guides you on a Body-Mind-Spirit healing journey.

About ten years ago, when I first offered expressive art classes, we painted on big pieces of paper (4x8+ feet) while standing up. And because the paper was big, you just had to move your body when you painted. When you move your body, you move your subtle energy too— that gives you a sense of freedom in your Mind and your Heart.

Painting big at home, isn’t always easy when there are kids, sweeties, and pets to navigate around.

I spent about six- months exploring the right combination of creative and spiritual techniques, so when I used smaller paper that was flat on a table, I could still get to the deep places that I accessed when painting big.

Soulscape journaling is less of a word journal but more a creative, energetic experience that helps you connect with your Body, Heart, and Soul.

And so the evolution of Soulscape journaling…..

Honestly, I needed a verb to follow Soulscape, and “journaling” was the closest fit.

Soulscape is an experience that allows you to connect and express your feelings, thoughts, patterns. Just like a journal. And because it incorporates energy medicine and spiritual practices, you go much deeper into your healing journey.
Plus—you can use any size of paper: tiny to huge.

Soulscape is all about connecting to your Super powers: your innate creative life force and to your Body Wisdom- intuition and feelings. So you learn how to listen to your inner guidance, instead of the voices around you. Plus is so much fun to play with paint!

All by using five simple steps: Explore, Move, Write, Draw to Transform.

How to start? Watch this video for inspiration.

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