“Your focus more on the process of self-discovery
and what you learn on the way than the actual end product. ”
You can begin to explore your-in-body insights with supplies that are mostly around your house:
a journal or blank paper, or printer paper, or a paper bag.
Any pens, pencils, crayons, or markers you have floating around (different colors or thicknesses are helpful). (some have used, eyeliner and lipstick)
Also nice to have, but not essential: a candle, a lighter, and some incense or sage (to create a rich environment of soul discovery)
Some folks use Movement as their primary exploration. Some journal, collages, or play with clay. Others are called to use paint (kids tempera paint or watercolor).
Here are a few suggestions for some drawing, painting, doddeling supplies
Colored pencils> , Oil Pastels>, > Soft pastels>, Water-Soluble Pastels>,Brush-tip markers, Crayons>
Tempera paint is water-based, non-toxic, and inexpensive, (sometimes called poster paint).
The minimum size of paint you will need is 8 oz of each color: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Black, and White (or any other color that calls you). You can choose to buy the primary colors or purchase more colors. There are many places to buy this paint on the web and at local Arts and Crafts stores.
Any pens, pencils, crayons or marker you have floating around (different colors or thicknesses are helpful)
Paper for watercolor or tempera paint>
Small set of Tempera Paint> Larger set of Tempera Paint and if you desire to use paint you might need a Paint Brush set>
Tempera Paint sticks> these are like yummy soft crayons with very rich colors
And if you are called to use gold paint
If you would like to play with Watercolor- based paint:
Watercolor Brush Pens> like watercolor markers
Castle Art 72> Premium Colored Pencils Set
Watercolor Brush Pens> or another Paint Brushes Set( can use these with Tempera paint too)
Misc Goodies
Collage Paper, Stencils, Sharpies, fat pencils, Paint Sponges, India Ink, Art Graf
Your options are endless, start with what makes you happy. You can always add more goodies along the way