Shamanic Energy Medicine
Healing for when you feel stuck...
Guidance for when you are asking big questions…
Do you find yourself searching for clarity, an infusion of spark or energy, or a desire to realign with the core of your essence and vision?
Is there a stirring inside calling out for change: in your life, job, or relationship so that you make choices that allow you to feel confident, empowered, unique, and, yes— even Happy?
Shamanic Energy Medicine helps you develop the right relationship with yourself, your gifts, and the world around you.
Shamanic healing can help you:
Gain clarity and direction
Address those Big Heart questions
Heal and clear any negative, unwanted patterns that no longer serve you
Connect to the joy, abundance, and beauty available to you.
Shamanism is the most ancient spiritual practice known to humankind. Some anthropologists believe that this practice dates back over 100,000 years.
A contemporary understanding of a shamanic practitioner is a person that sees with their Heart. (vs. Not with our heads). And that our Heart is the portal into our inner guidance and Soul's truth.
Shamanic healing is one of the oldest types of healing. In this system, there are techniques that you might have heard as getting Power Totem, Soul Retrieval, and all different forms of a clearing.
Each session is unique to your sacred journey and supports the integration of your life essence and guidance that is unique to you at this time in your life.
What is a session like?
Our session together is a sacred time of healing and transformation. We begin the session with a conversation about what is not working in your life —and what is calling you to change.
From there, you will relax as Damini begins to rattle and sing herself into a Shamanic state of mind.
Tools used during the session may include healing smoke from sage, drums, rattles, bells, bowls, energy techniques, and shamanic journeys.
For in-person appointments, the healing session takes place on the massage table, where you sit or lay entirely clothed.
You will rest comfortably and efficiently in your space for virtual sessions while we stay connected via phone or video.
Shamanic services offered:
Power Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Soul Retrieval, Soul Purpose Remembering, Cord Cutting & general clearing, Personal Talismans, Energy Soul portraits, Energy Guidance and Counseling, Long distance healing, healing for pets, animals, and Land.
Throughout the year I have a limited number of openings for one-on-one shamanic consultations. These are specially tailored sessions to help guide you, set the direction and to help align you with your dreams again.
Ready to transform> Please fill out the form to your right
““I have been lucky to work with Damini over the years. I never quite know where the sessions will go, but she always pinpoints exactly what I need and helps bring in more clarity, stability, and sense of connection to flow through the work we do.
She is a gifted healer!”
request a session:
I believe that change can happen quickly—we call those 'miracles.' Most often, change doesn't happen overnight. It takes commitment, some time, and energy to realign and transform.
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💗Individual healing session- $250 (90-minute session via zoom audio)
❤️ Personal or Business Alignment Consultation. - $250 (90-minute session via zoom audio)
⭐️Transform! - One. 60-minute session each month for a year, $2,500. (reg 3000, so it's like getting two sessions for free)
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