Follow your heart… and allow happiness to infuse your life

nick fewings shared on unsplash

nick fewings shared on unsplash

Follow your heart… and allow happiness to infuse your life

In 2013, I had a vision: write a book. I balked, big time! I am not a writer — I am an artist. I thought, "I have nothing to say..." [and other excuses]. Yet the vision that I received was so clear and resonated so strongly within me that, after my initial freakout, I started to consider the possibility of writing a book. As soon as I surrendered and opened my heart to the invitation, then people began offering their help with the writing/editing/publishing process.

I spent the past five years tripping all over myself. Writing dredges up self-worth issues and makes me vacillate between wanting to hide and wanting to be seen. (Who knew that following my heart to write & publish a book would be such a profound healing journey!??!)

Allowing happiness to infuse our lives is a
healing journey, whether we actively engage in the healing process or not.

How can we consciously invite more happiness into our lives?

It only takes a few easy steps:
• First comes intention: we have a yearning to be the best, highest expression of ourselves.

• Then we look at and untangle those limiting stories that hold us back.

• We must muster the courage to overcome our fears, and face what stops us — and befriend those parts of our stories or ourselves that we don't like.

• Finally, by the nature of the healing process, there is a transformational moment when there is a greater sense of deep happiness within ourselves and in our lives.

I wish I can say that healing happens instantly, but it doesn't.

I wish I can say that you explore your hurts only once, and you're done, but that's not the case.

Healing is a lifetime journey of self-discovery, self-reflection, and more and more moments of joy-fullness and bone-deep happiness.