Processing Trauma⁠ :: Soulscape Journey


Creative expression can be incredibly freeing and insightful. ⁠ ⁠

Sometimes we create to make ourselves feel better; sometimes, we help us create and move through an emotional block. ⁠ ⁠

Recently, I’ve had a pretty intense family trauma and have been numb over the past three weeks.

So, I decided to “walk my Talk” and return to paper and paint: to allow some space for my body, mind, and soul to be exactly where it wants to be —without expectation. Creativity, when intentionally used, is healing and transformative. ⁠ ⁠

I invite you to talk with your soul- to pick up a pen and express what is in your Soulscape.

#soulwork #creativealchemy #empowerment #innerwisdom #creativity #intuition #transformation #shamanism #ShineOn #BreathBellyFeet #feelyourfeels #heart #emotions #ConnectIN #PaintingTheLandscapeOfYourSoul

Share your thoughts and ah-ha's in the comments below. And, thanks for watching.

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