Connect IN: Painting, a tool for the Heart


🌟Connect IN, a weekly experience to help you—get out of your head and back into your HEART . Broadcast 10. 28, 2021

🌟Connect IN, a weekly experience to help you—get out of your head and back into your HEART . Broadcast 10. 28, 2021

In this week's discussion, I shared with a few Tools for your Heart, Write+ Draw, and talk about the profound journey of self discovery.

This vid is a little bit longer than usual, but well worth the time. Grab a cuppa and view. Don’t forget to share your thoughts and ah-ha's in the comments below.

There are cemeteries that are lonely, graves full of bones that do not make a sound, the heart moving through a tunnel, in it darkness, darkness, darkness, like a shipwreck we die going into ourselves, as though we were drowning inside our hearts, as though we lived falling out of the skin into the soul.
— “Nothing But Death” , Pablo Neruda,

Ask Yourself:

What do you feel inside your body?

What would it look like if you draw it?

Art Supplies used : tempera paint and sticks, black board paint, oil pastels and multimedia art paper.

Share your thoughts and ah-ha's in the comments below. And, thank YOU for watching.

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