What does it mean to paint the landscape of your Soul?


We're all familiar with landscape paintings. An artist goes out into nature, and they interpret what they see or how the place makes them feel onto paper or canvas.

Photo by Luke Porter on Unsplash

Let's expand the metaphor of landscape painting to include the unique—inner-landscape of your Heart and Soul—your true self.

Recently, I have wrote a few blogs on the benefits of journaling: How Journaling can free your Mind (and Heart) and A Room of One’s Own: Journaling to find some space

Painting the Landscape of Your Soul explores the realm of your inner landscape and helps you reconnect to your true self. It is also a form of creative journaling that allows you to access your deep inner-knowing.

Your inner landscape conversation is lead by your
Body Wisdom: Intuition, Heart, and Soul.
How? By holding two points of focus: looking inward, to your body's feelings and sensations. Then externally, by allowing those feelings and sensations to have an expression onto paper.

How is this transformational?
Embodiment practices teach you to operate from a place of flow. Your yes.

  • When you're in the flow of your YES:
    -You override the scarcity of your Mind.
    -You are in the state of allowing vs. making something happen.

    Journaling the Landscape of Your Soul is an intimate journey of Soul expression that is genuinely, healing because it connects you back to your innate beautiful, empowered self.

Grab some paper and paint. Then visit DaminiCelebre.com to explore exercises to Awaken Your True Self.