Do numbers rule your life? Possibly so..


2020 is a 4-year.

In numerology (a fancy name for the energy of numbers), 2020 is a 4 year (2+0+2+0=4). A 4- year strength is that it’s square and fixed; the flip side is that a 4-year will clear out what is stuck and not evolving. Really describes 2020, huh!

Guess what, 2021 is a 5-year!

Five is the number of movement, flow, growth, and change. That’s why 2021 the perfect time to shift your attention back to what will allow flow, growth, and well... joy, ease, and happiness into your life, AGAIN.

Take advantage of 2021 and set some intentions.

Take some time to get quiet and check in with your heart.

  • Begin to freely write out all that you want to grow, shift, and flow in the upcoming year.

  • Don’t censor what you write; just let the words flow.

When you are done. Layout what you wrote in front of you.

  • Take a few deep breaths.

  • Soften your heart and circle the words that pop out at you.

  • Then write a summary of what came up.

  • Make that summary a present action statement. For example, fearless, fun, helping others, finding my truth, group of women, trusting. Intention statement: in 2021, I am part of a healing community of women who fearlessly explore their truth and have fun doing it.

Finally, place that statement somewhere special, where you can see it all the time. So that each time you see it, you can imagine yourself living a life of flow, ease, and joy in 2021.

(with a little help with the number 5)

Wanna learn how to listen to your heart so that 2021 can be filled with flow, ease and joy?

Read more about Tools of the Heart.

We begin on January 4th till 24th, 2021

Special pricing until 12.15