Responding to Color: A Soulscape exercise


Sound on!

When asked how does you Body express itself in reponse to color?

Colors evoke emotional reactions. Your body responds to and resonates with the vibration of color in nature, on fabric, a wall covering, and on another’s face. Colors can elicit memories and powerful emotions, create movement in your body, and even heal.

this exercise is an opportunity to explore how your bodymindspirit reacts and responds to raw color — without a story and without your mind telling you how to react. Stay out of your rational mind and respond to what is in front of you. respond to what you see and feel— without worrying about right or wrong, perfect or ugly, raw or refined.

Just. respond.

See this exercise in Painting the Landscape of Your Soul page 135

Yummy Art Supplies used for this exercise:

Tempera paint on heavy paper