Out of Sorts: an Embodiment journey


Do you ever have a day where you're just out of sorts?

Yeah, there are 1000 reasons why I should be feeling out of sorts. But today, there was something else weighing me down, is it the summer blues or... I don't know.

So, instead of trying to make sense of what I'm feeling— I turned to my body. To the embodied practice of doodling, I need to know what messages in my heart need to know.

Expressing all that I am feeling by doing some free writing and doodling helps me get under the story of why I THINK is going on and back to my heart's truth. I grabbed a pen, some markers, and a notepad and just started allowing my body to express what it was feeling- in short, move what's stuck.

So next time you're feeling out of sorts, grab a notebook and some pencils and express what you're feeling inside and let your body lead the way.

Wanna Learn more tools to get clear on why you’re feeling like you are > look here

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