Good Girl


You never know where your soul wants to take you. I have been feeling out of myself for a while now.

I am hoping it a healing process, but it has been going on for sooo long.

Yes, it ebbs and flows- but it still is hard. I am grateful that I come to my practice of soulscape journaling.

Using paint, pencils, and whatever I have floating around to help me reveal what is under the words. The words are helpful. Not the words or story in my head- they are what is running the lop, but the words I add to the journey, words that flow from my heart and call up mixes and shapes of color that help me untangle process what is in my heart.

Today, my Soul took me to be a Good Girl and not Being Good Enough — the ebb and flow of holding my power and giving it away. Hmm, now that's something to contemplate as the Moon moves to its darkest phase.

So what is it that your soul wants to share with you today? Grab some pencils, pens and or paint and Take a moment, sit quietly and left the words and colors flow from your heart onto paper- You might be surprised what shows up.

Do you have a desire to connect to your Heart and Soul? YES! Join Deep Happiness

Deep Happiness: An 8week online soul-stirring, mind-blowing healing and spiritual journey back to your soul-self. Starting soon!

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