Keep the EEEK! at bay and reclaim your Inner Mojo
I don't know about you, but the closer we get to the election, the more I need to use all my Inner Mojo to keep the EEEK! at bay.
Photo by manish kumar on Unsplash
If I don't stay centered and calm — if I don’t keep my mojo up — I find that I feel like a basket case. I am anxious and restless, I wake up every hour, or I binge on Cheetos (organic ones, of course).
The ability to stay centered and calm isn't something we were taught in kindergarten — but we should've been!
When we're under a great deal of stress, it's tough to make clear decisions.
Think about 2020 and the unique storm of uncertainties that came together all at once.
We have been under pressure as we have tried to adjust and live through the sudden onset of the Coronavirus.
We have witnessed police brutality followed by social unrest (and even riots!) as protesters have called attention to racial injustice.
We have lived with increasing political polarization as we get closer to the elections.
Even now we harbor a niggling feeling of dread as we wait for the next shoe to drop. EEEEEEK!
We don't need to fall victim to external stressors. We can take control of how we respond and how we are affected by whatever life throws our way.
Here are three tips to help ease the strain as you venture out into the world.
Stay calm
Sounds easy, but really, it can be hard to stay calm when you get overwhelmed. When you feel yourself getting freaked out, the first thing to do is touch your feet on the ground and wiggle your toes (with shoes off or on). Feeling your feet on the ground will help bring down all those swirling thoughts in your mind, so your brain can take a break.
As you wiggle your toes, take a deep breath in. Feel your breath going down to your lower belly. Then feel your breath all the way down to your toes, and feel the full weight of your feet on the ground. This simple way of getting grounded can help you calm and clear the mayhem in your mind. Read more about How to Stay Centered during turbulent times
Soften your eyes
When you soften your eyes, you ease your Body and your Heart — plus, you get less tense everywhere. When our Heart is soft, we smile more. In turn, we receive and share more kindness and joy.
Now that you are grounded and a bit softer, try this.
Find your YES!
Part of your internal navigation system allows you to be guided by your Heart's YES!
Once you feel your feet on the ground and soften your eyes, take a moment and notice how you feel in your Body. Feel what’s tight. Feel what's not.
Now say to yourself, "My name is..............." and notice how you feel in your Body. Next choose a different name and say to yourself, "My name is............" and notice how your body responds to that statement.
Here's what to look for: when you say your name (the name you like to go by), your body responds with a YES!, which feels easy and calm, or expanded, or feels like you want to take a deep breath in. When you say another name, you might experience unease and agitation, or tension or a sense of contraction — a NO. These sensations of YES!/NO can be subtle or not so subtle in your Body. The more you practice, the more you'll discover how to identify your personal YES!/NO.
Your Inner Mojo
When you access your Inner Mojo, you come down from your swirling head to your steady Heart — where you can follow your inner guidance.
Connecting to your Heart allows you to access your intuition, which will help you stop reacting. You can then respond with grounded, clear choices. Accessing your Inner Mojo can help you keep steady and stay the course when the EEK! tries to take over.
PS. Wanna get your UMPPPHHH back in 2021?
Yes!, Then join Tools of the Heart: a 21-day personal journey that helps you thrive during both challenging and blissful times. (Starting 1.4.2021)
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Until then, simple fill out this form and receive an audio exercise to help you keep your Inner Mojo front and center.