Fake it, till ya make it
Did you know that the way you hold your body and attitude can change how you feel and how others perceive you?
As kids, we were told to sit up straight, look forward and speak clearly. This posture commands attention!
As women, we also received the more subtle messages of “eyes forward, and slightly down.” “Speak clearly but not too loud.” We learned to be submissive.
“Your body can change your mind, and your mind can change your behaviour, and your behaviour can change your outcome.”
These behavioral patterns developed over time, and although it’s often said that old habits die hard, the good news is they can indeed be changed for the better!
The theory of Neuroplasticity states that your brain will modify, change, adapt function and create a new pathway if you consistently repeat a pattern. So If you practice a "good" habit long enough, it becomes second nature through repetition. The same is true for “unhealthy”patterns.
In energy work this is known as re-patterning. Whether you are creating a new habit at a mental and emotional, or physical level, you are shifting your energetic system too. So, it doesn't matter if you start with your body, your thoughts or your feelings. With practice, over time, you will begin to change your vibes!
In reality, we have all had experiences when our confidence is low and we feel like an imposter who doesn’t fit in. When we choose to “fake it ‘til we make it” in those moments, we are demonstrating this theory in a very real and practical way.
Over the next few weeks, I'm going to share with you a few different ways to shift your energy so that you can continue to align with your Brightest-Best Self.
In 2012, psychologist Amy Cuddy's gave the now-famous TED Talk on positive body language. Amy suggested that standing in the “Wonder Woman” pose can raise testosterone levels and lower stress levels.
When you are confident, you know deep in your bones what you are capable of. Holding firm to your values and beliefs becomes an effortless part of who you are!
The Confidence Pose
(sometimes called the Wonder Women Pose)
Step into the confidence pose:
Stand with your feet at hip distance, feet flat on the ground (this eliminates resistance from your “head”)
Place your hands on your hips.
Lift your chest and roll your shoulders back.
Look forward. Lift your chin.
Feel yourself centered, grounded, and unshakable.
Hold for 2 minutes, and while holding, visualize yourself being courageous and power-filled! Allow it to fill you up.
Feel your wondrous self shining!
Do this every day for a few days, then try it in front of a mirror. Really see yourself as the amazing confident person that you are! Allow yourself to feel your power and all that is good in you!
Next week: “What does your Thumb have to do with confidence ?”
Discover more tools to keep you In-powered…
Read more about Tools of the Heart, a 21-day program that helps you be your Brightest- Best Self.