5 Ways to know your Soulscape :Tools for your Heart

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What is your Soulscape?

Your unique inner landscape — your Soulscape — is your inner core, as well as your deep inner knowing. The outer layers of your Soulscape are the sensations you feel inside and how you take in what you experience around you.

When you listen deeply, your Soulscape guides you through life. When you get grounded and centered, you can hear, feel, see and sense the wise messages conveyed by your Body. Through your Body Wisdom, you connect with your Heart. Deeply listening to your Heart allows you to access your truth — to see with your eyes, feel with your heart, and sense all around you, using the guidance of your Heart and Soul.


The realm of your inner landscape is ruled by your Body·Heart·Mind·Spirit. In your inner landscape — your Soulscape — you access feelings, sensations, emotions, and intuition, so you can notice what is flowing or not flowing in your life.

Your outer landscape is accessed through your external world, and in Nature. Also referred also to as the Web of Life, where everything is alive and in co-relationship with you.

When you are in a grounded and centered state, then soften your eyes and your Heart, your body drops into an allowing, open, and receptive mode. In this state of being — this is how you access your intuitive knowing.

When you’re in your receptive and open state of being, you drop out of your over-planning-for-the-future and analyzing Mind into your expanded Heart.

When you connect to the wisdom of your Body and Heart, you access the deep knowing held in your Soulscape. You create a portal to your Soul and gain access to your higher intuitive knowing.

PS. Watch more about Exploring your Soulscape? > watch this vid

PSS. Ready to follow where your Soulscape is leading you? YES! Then join Tools of the Heart:

5 Ways to Explore your Soulscape and Connect to your Soul’s Guidance

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First, Hold an intention in your heart: I align myself with what my Heart + Soul hold important.

Soften your Eyes

When you soften your eyes, you ease your Body and your Heart . (Plus, you get less tense everywhere.) When our hearts are at ease, we smile more, and we are open to the guidance of our Soul.

Take a Walk

With your eyes softened, hold the intention: I align myself to what my Heart + Soul considers essential. Go for a walk and allow your outer landscape to help guide you to your next step.

Get Out of your Head

Soften your eyes and breathe into your belly. Soft eyes and belly breaths help you move your focus from your head into your Heart, which moves you from your planning and thinking head-space to your open and receptive heart-space.


Once again, hold the intention: I align myself to what my Heart + Soul considers essential. Soften your eyes, your Body, and your Heart. When you drop your focus from your head to your heart, start writing whatever comes up. Keep allowing your words to flow. Do not listen to and do not get distracted by messages from your Inner Critic (who may sound just like your grade school teacher) correcting you. Do not think — just write freely. Later, you can read this automatic writing. You may discover an Ah Ha! or other insights.


When you doodle with your pen/pencil without thinking, you allow your Mind to relax. Hold an intention, like: I align myself to what my Heart + Soul considers essential. Soften your eyes and begin doodling, to create an opening for you Soul to speak to you.

Download the nifty graphic and hang it on your frig. That way you can have a reminder of the many ways you can access your Soulscape!

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The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
— Pablo Picasso