⭐Protect Your Precious Self


Have you ever experienced the feeling of being "on top of the world"? Do you know that when you feel this way, your protective energy is strong, so strong that it extends around you?

When your energy is strong, you can walk down the street, and people will move out of your way. (You even also are less likely to catch a cold.)

Or have you experienced a time when you feel vulnerable people tend to bump into you on the street, or they don't even see you hold a door open for you? Other things happen, too: you are more likely to catch a cold and pick up other people's bad moods when you feel fragile.

Are you are a very sensitive person? Empathic?

As children, most of us weren't taught how to manage our energy, keep ourselves filled up, keep our protective energy strong, or even that we have protective power.

Sensitive folks go through life feeling—EVERYTHING. They spend a significant amount of energy trying hard to fend off everybody's emotions or thoughts.

When you work hard to keep the world at-arm's-length, your energy gets out of balance, overextended, and thin, often manifesting as anxiety, overwhelm, or a paralyzing fear.

It takes energy to stay protected.

When you are grounded and present in your body (thoughts and all), your energy protection system becomes robust. When your energy is strong, you can defend anything on the outside from coming inside you. Kind-of-like a non-stick coating around you.

In the past few blogs, I've shared with you a few tools to keep your energy strong. Today, I would like to share a tool to Protect Your Precious Self, called the Blue Egg Exercise.

You are probably asking why BLUE? I don't know precisely why blue. But, I can tell you that Blue is the color of the sky and the color of the water. The vibration of blue is easily absorbed into the body. On the color spectrum, blue is a higher vibration. If you look at the rainbow colors (which correspond with your energy centers' colors, called chakras), red is one the lowest frequency, and Blue is the other side of the rainbow – it has a higher vibration, lighter energy. Hence, the color and vibrancy of Blue will raise your energy.

I first learned this exercise in the '90s during a Reiki class. Somebody recommended that I surround myself with a blue egg for energetic protection. A couple of years ago, I found out that the Chamu people, an indigenous tribe from the Pacific Northwest, use blue egg protection to keep psychic entities from coming in. What's important here is the shared cultural concept of putting energy around you, that is blue. Not a dark blue, but a bright shining, shimmering sky blue that surrounds you.

How to Protect Your Precious Self

  • The first step is to feel your feet on the ground. Get Grounded.

  • Then to get out of your twirly head and back into your body by bringing awareness to your breath. Bring your breath into your chest. Then into your belly, then all the way down to your feet.

  • Feel where your feet are touching the ground. Feel the weight of your body on the earth.

  • Now while keeping your attention at your feet, imagine the light around your heart. See it glowing outward and shimmering onto your skin.

  • Then imagine yourself surrounded by that now golden-light light—a Golden-Blue Egg.

How does that feel?

  • Make your blue egg wider.

What happens? Does it dissolve or stay strong?

  • Bring the blue egg close to your skin, like a wet suit. How does that feel?

  • Play with extending and tightening your Blue egg until size feels the right for you and your energy right now.

The more your practice, the more this becomes easier and more natural. The more you create a muscle memory of protection.

An excellent way to practice putting a blue egg around you is by setting a timer on your phone every hour. When the timer goes off, practice: Breath, Belly, Feet, then putting a blue egg around you.

Protecting Your Precious Self with the blue egg exercise is an essential stop-gap energy tool. And— the best way to Protect Your Precious Self is to be filled up as your Brightest-Best-Self.

Learn Tools to Fill You Up > read more.

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